Materials we work with in our dental laboratory

Lithium disilicate

It is a combination of ceramic and glass. It is a highly aesthetic material that is mainly used for the creation of veneers and crowns with poorly retentive stumps or with high aesthetic demands. We would highlight its adhesion to the natural tooth and its naturalness.


We only use it for pillars or bars. We do not recommend coating it with ceramic, since titanium has a very high degree of modification and expansion when it reaches the temperature at which ceramic is fired.


It is used for the realization of provisional and aesthetic tests. In our case, these provisionals are milled since we believe that they offer greater adjustment and resistance than the printed ones.

Hybrid composites

Example VITA Enamic (polymer-ceramic mixture). We use it mainly for inlays and restorations with reduced thicknesses.

acrylic resins

They are used to make complete, partial, skeletal or overdenture prostheses. They are the traditional prostheses of a lifetime. Their flexibility and lightness provide great comfort.


It is used for crowns, bridges and arches (on a core or on an implant). It can be monolithic zirconium or stratified zirconium with ceramic (the second option is more aesthetic than monolithic, although both options are highly aesthetic). This material is the most natural in terms of resemblance to the teeth in the patient's mouth, both in color and shape due to the translucency offered by this material and the absence of metallic elements. In addition, zirconium is highly resistant to fractures.


This is an alloy that we mainly use for crowns, bridges, arches, skeletons, bars, abutments and prostheses on implants. The main advantages of this material are its strength and durability (its strength and durability make it ideal for carrying out restorations that must withstand significant forces, such as prostheses with extensions or bars). These alloys are highly biocompatible, so they do not usually cause allergic reactions. They are combined with dental porcelain to achieve a very aesthetic and natural result. In addition, it is the most economical solution when compared to zirconium or disilicate restorations.

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